Final Image Production Officer
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Fortiche : Can you tell us about your career ?

I followed a 3D animation course in Bellecour (Lyon) school that I finished in 2018, to join "Tu Nous Za Pas Vus Productions" in Arles, then I joined the boat Fortiche as a production assistant, a position that evolved throughout the season 1 thanks to my former production officer who left me the controls.

F : Why did you choose this career path? 

I realized on my graduation film that I preferred to organize the work and be present for the team rather than do animation all day. I like the idea of being a link between the graphic designers, the directors and the producers/partners. I love working in the artistic environment, while being on the organizational side. Nothing would happen without the designers, and we are there to coach them, help them, and give them as much information as possible. It's a very human job and that's what I like :)


F : How long have you been working with Fortiche?

I've been at Fortiche for 2 years.

What is your role on the project or at Fortiche?

I'm in charge of production, which means that I manage, among other things, the planning of the episodes on the departments: I make sure with the production assistants that the graphic designers always have work, that they have all the necessary information to work serenely, that the expectations on their work are clear and that the deadlines of the planning are respected as well as possible. I love the rush: reacting and moving the production forward as best as possible on time. It's an intense time; but it's a time when everyone pitches in for the good of the project, and that's what's great about Fortiche.

We also exchange a lot with the directors to get their validation on the final image (hence the name of the department), which we then send to the client. I also manage the global follow-up of the graphic designers on the different departments, the main part of my job being to be there for them and to simplify their life. We are all at the service of the project, and we make sure that the teams are serene and protected. 

F : What is your best memory at Fortiche or do you have an anecdote to share with us? 

There was a whole period that I would call "rewriting existing songs on the theme of Fortiche". For several months we wrote songs on various themes, and I admit that I played the game a lot! (I'm campaigning for a Fortiche musical, if anyone is interested). With Lola, we wrote "Delivering the season" to the music of “Allumer le feu” (Famous French song). Only a few privileged people had the chance to hear it...

Discover their career, their role and their best moment with us!